Label2Enable new article


August 06, 2024

New Study from Leiden University Medical Center Highlights the Influence of Quality Labels on Health App Recommendations by European Healthcare Professionals

We are excited to announce another Label2Enable publication, authored by Ieva Biliunaite, Laurens van Gestel, Petra Hoogendoorn, and Marieke Adriaanse from Leiden University Medical Center: “Value of a Quality Label and European Healthcare Professionals’ Willingness to Recommend Health Apps: An Experimental Vignette Study” in Sage Journals.


This study explores how the CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2 health app quality label influences healthcare professionals' willingness to recommend health apps. The research compares apps presented with the quality label against those without it.


Key insights include:

• The impact of the quality label on HCPs' willingness to recommend health apps

• How app type and patient socioeconomic status (SES) affect the label’s effectiveness

• Limitations and directions for future research


Click here to read the full article.

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