Label2Enable at IHE Conncetathon


September 27, 2023

25 September and 27 September, Label2Enable participated at IHE Connectathon in Rennes, in two panels: "Joint session Label2Enable & IHE: Health app labelling meets IHE profiles" and "EHDS regulation and relevant projects".

Themed as "Transforming Healthcare through Interoperability: Towards secure, structured, and comprehensive data sharing in Health Data Spaces", the event brought together a week full of information, chats, and knowledge exchange on topics like the EHDS.


Label2Enable is honoured to be part of this event, alongside relevant projects and knowledgeable partners such as Leiden University Medical Center | XpanDH Project | Gravitate Health | ISCTE - Instituto Universitário de Lisboa | empirica Communication and Technology Research

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