Leiden University Medical Center / National eHealth Living Lab

Leiden University Medical Center is one of the major university hospitals in the Netherlands. With a history that dates back to 1575, LUMC has a long tradition of getting better by breaking new grounds.

LUMC is home to the National eHealth Living Lab. Aim of the National eHealth Living Lab is to realise scientifically proven eHealth applications and integrate them effectively in the Netherlands and internationally to future-proof healthcare.

LUMC represents the (academic) health app assessment organisation and health professional perspective in the consortium, coordinates the Label2Enable project, leads WP1 (coordination) and WP 7 (health care systems and authorities), will create a patient citizen carer survey and health care professional survey, test how to effectively display the health app quality label in app stores, app libraries and trusted health websites, support health authorities who seek to pilot CEN-ISO/TS 82304-2 and document and analyse their use stories.

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