Privacy statement

Personal data

Label2Enable does not ask or store any personal data if you visit the Label2Enable website. Personal data will only be asked and used if you choose to engage with the project. In that case the Label2Enable project will 1. ask your consent, 2. only ask the data needed, 3. only use the data for the goal indicated, 4. only store the data for the time necessary to support the particular engagement and only longer if demanded by law, 5. safely dispose of the data afterwards.

Data controller

Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC, address: Albinusdreef 2, 2333 ZA Leiden, The Netherlands) is responsible for the storage and use of your personal data. 

Data security

LUMC takes data protection seriously. Adequate measures are taken to prevent misuse, loss, unwanted disclosure, unauthorized access and changes to data. If you have doubts or signs of misuse please contact

Data sharing

The Label2Enable project has no intention to share your data with (commercial) third parties outside the project consortium. Data is only shared with partners or subcontractors that enable the particular engagement and with the European Commission to report on results in engagement. Should an engagement involve data sharing outside the consortium, subcontractors and/or outside the European Economic Space Label2Enable will ask your consent. If data is shared contracts ensure the same level of data security and confidentiality.


The Label2Enable website uses functional and analytic cookies. The functional cookies enable a smooth browsing experience. This includes XSRF-protection against automated responses to forms on the website, storing your recent search queries in the Label2Enable website and your session information for when you need to login. The analytic cookies set by Matamo enables Label2Enable to report about the number of website visitors to the European Commission. The European Commission is the funder of the Label2Enable project. Please activate the "Do-Not-Track" function on your browser if you do not want to be counted as a visitor to the website. The help function of your browser can guide you to information how to adjust your browser settings


The General Data Protection Regulation gives you the right to see, correct or remove your personal data. If you have given consent, you can withdraw it at any given time. You do not have to provide a reason and you will not suffer any negative effects. You can also object to or further limit our use of your personal data and ask us to return your data. Finally, you have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority.

More information

You can contact the project via, and the data protection officer via You can read more about your rights at To file a complaint you can contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority via

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